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- Hotel Aspel
Hotel Aspel
With a stay in the Hotel Aspel, you will find yourself located in the heart of the cultural capital of Poland. Within a short distance from many of Krakow¿s top attractions, guests will never be far from the action. Let the hotels friendly and multilingual staff make you feel at home by offering all the best information on your visit to the city. All 52 rooms at the Hotel Aspel are air-conditioned and provide modern facilities such as LCD satellite televisions and complimentary Wi-Fi to make you feel right at home. The large and modern hotel that is split into two buildings that are adjoined by a walk over bridge, offers the very best in modern technology to compliment the fantastic business facilities. There is a tram station located right at the doorstep of the Hotel that allows guests quick and easy access to many of Krakow¿s top attractions. These attractions include Florians gate, which is a 14th century gate at the wall which encircled the old town. Behind these walls the beautiful Planty Park can be found, this is a band of green which also circles the old town and offers guest a break from the hustle and bustle of the town¿s busy centre. After a day of sightseeing, guests can enjoy a meal in the on-site modern and functional restaurant which offers the very best in local and European cuisine. Guests can also un-wind in the bar after a long day in the business centre.